Database-Driven Web Applications
When you visit a website to shop, participate in social networking, manage email, schedule appointments or reservations, or read a blog, you use a database-driven web application. In fact, anytime you have to log-in to a site, you can be fairly certain that there is a database behind the scenes.
Databases interact with websites to manage products, customers, orders, and more.
Databases interact with websites to manage registrations, user profiles, customers, clients, and more.
Databases interact with websites to manage events, registrations, RSVPs, appointments, and more.
Blogging sites like WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr use databases.
Case Study: Sick Childcare
Mott Children’s Hospital ER pediatrician Dr. Andrew Hashikawa compiles and studies data on illnesses at childcare facilities. I developed a simple application that participating childcare providers use to quickly record illnesses at their facilities. On the back-end, Dr. Hashikawa can log-in and export data, run reports, generates charts and graphs, and more. Dr. Hashikawa has used his data to postulate a theory on the correlation between illness in children and outbreaks in the general population.
Some of Dr. Hashikawa’s findings (and the application) have been featured in Time magazine and USA Today.
More case studies:
Infinity Impressions
Tigard, Oregon-based commercial printer, Infinity Impressions (II) specializes in spirit wear. II wanted to be able to quickly and easily create a simple store (on demand) for each client. CBD designed a simple application to meet this need. II managers log-in to their dashboard and: create/manage stores (with clients’ logos, team colors, policies and more), add/manage products specific to each client (including images, color/size options, sale/regular prices, personalization options, discount coupons, etc), run reports, export data, and more. On the front-end, II’s clients’ customers visit their online stores and shop.
Divine Child ES
I worked with Divine Child Elementary School to create a fairly large (and always evolving) web application that streamlines and reduces office work. DCES administrators can import enrollment data. Parents/guardians can log-in to manage their children’s contact information, enroll them in sports, log volunteer hours, order lunches, manage emergency contact information, sign image release and internet use waivers, and more.
Healthcare Staffing
Expedient Medstaff is a one-stop destination for nurses and other healthcare professionals who are searching for jobs. The application I developed for EMS allows them to import job listings from several sources. The importer cleans up and categorizes postings making it easier for EMS to deliver the best search results to their clients. Clients can search on job titles, functions, disciplines, specialities, location, and more. Using the MyJobs tools, clients can easily customize their own searches and sign-up to get email updates when new jobs matching their criteria are posted.