Note: This plug-in was updated on May 23, 2018. An error was fixed, table names were changed to reflect the latest Gravity Forms table names, and the plug-in can now be used with page builders and other short codes.
Easily require visitors to fill in and submit forms before gaining access to select content on your WordPress website.
CBD Gated Content is an extension for Gravity Forms. CBD Gated Content (CBDGC) is free, but you must install, activate, and register Gravity Forms to use it.
CBDGC turns Gravity Forms forms into content gates. Create a form in Gravity Forms. Create a gate using the CBDGC plugin. Put the displayed shortcode on the post or page containing protected content. Visitors will see any content that appears before the shortcode and a “Read More” button. Clicking the button displays the gate form. Once the formis filled in and submitted, the content ca be accessed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can more than one gate be created?
Yes. You may create unlimited gates.
Do all gates have to use the same Gravity Form?
No. You may use the same Gravity Form on multiple gates if you want to, but you don’t have to.
Do users have to allow cookies to see gated content?
No. However, users who don’t allow cookies will have to fill in the form every time they visit a gated page.
Does a cookie for one “gate” allow users to access all gated content?
No. Each cookie only works with the gate it was given from. That gate may be used on unlimited pages and posts.
Do I have to use a different gate for each gated page or post?
No. You may use the same gate on multiple pages and posts, but you don’t have to.
Can I see what pages a person visits after they get through a gate?
Yes, if the visitor allows cookies. If a visitor allows cookies and has passed through a gate, each time the person visits a page or post that uses the same gate, a note will be added to the person’s original Gravity Forms form entry.
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