Step 1 of 23 4% Email* I know when I cannot trust my intuition when evaluating decisions.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I can accurately explain the difference between critical, strategic, and creative thinking.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I know how to optimize my neurochemistry for making high-stakes decisions.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I can explain the relationship between stress and pressure.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I can identify when I might be susceptible to bias.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I know how my own curiosity impacts my decision-making.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I can explain the 3 information gaps used in high-stakes decision-making.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I am confident in my ability to consistently make wise high-stakes decisions.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I can name, identify and define at least 5 cognitive biases that impact my decisions.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true My outcomes are not the best indicator of my decision-making process.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I use the same techniques to make high-stakes decisions in my personal life and my professional life.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I know what to look out for when making high-stakes decisions in groups.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I have a reliable plan that I use to uncover hidden options.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I'm as susceptible to biases as anyone.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I know how framing influences my decision-making.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I always consider the worst possible outcome and the best possible outcome (inversion) in my decision-making.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I use techniques to ensure that I'm not only considering the most obvious outcome (first-order thinking).* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I always consider possible alternatives to outcomes from past events (counterfactuals).* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I know how to identify my own illogical arguments (logical fallacies).* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I always calculate sunk costs when making high-stakes decisions.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I can ask at least 5 essential critical thinking questions.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true I know how to question data to optimize my high-stakes decision-making.* Always or totally true Mostly true Equally true & untrue Rarely true Not true This field is hidden when viewing the formScore Δ